Getting Started

There's really no two ways about it—scheduling is a difficult topic. You are using an electronic tool to "design" the future while reconciling it with what actually happened. However, with a few basic concepts established, Candle's scheduling module will make a powerful ally.


In Candle, textbooks represent the physical textbooks or workbooks. For Christian Light curriculum, these represent single LightUnits, or in most cases, a set of 5 or 10 LightUnits. For Rod & Staff curriculum, this in most cases represents an English or Science textbook.
Unless the textbook or curriculum changes, textbooks should not change from year to year.
Candle comes pre-seeded with several hundred textbooks and workbooks from Anabaptist publishers pre-entered and ready for scheduling. This is a feature exclusive to Candle scheduling.
To start entering textbooks, see this article.


Courses are a collection of textbooks that a student completes to be considered having done a subject, or in high school, gain an elective. For example, an English course for 6th Grade might include Rod & Staff's Progressing With Courage textbook and the Progressing With Courage - Worksheets 
textbook. Or, a biology course might include the biology textbook and then an accompanying coloring textbook, etc...
These are created each year for your classes.


While creating courses, you will be asked to choose which days and times you would like to schedule the course for. After adding courses, and accessing the gradebook for the first time, you will see your courses spread across the year. Before you do anything with scheduling, be sure you read this detailed article on scheduling.