I've lost access to my admin account!

Sometimes users will inadvertently remove the admin privileges from their account. This guide will restore admin rights to every person on the system!

Hosted Installation

If your installation is hosted with us, you’ll need to request an unlock from Olive Tree Software support.

Local Installation

1. Open command prompt by clicking Start, then typing cmd. Open the Command Prompt app:

2. When Command Prompt opens, type this into the windows that appears: (you could also copy and paste this)

    "C:\The Teacher's Trading Post\Candle\PostgreSQL\bin\psql.exe" -U postgres -p 4013

3. Hit enter. When it prompts you for a password, enter 123456 and hit enter again.

4. This will connect you to the Candle database provider:

5. Now, type: (or copy and paste)

    \c "Candle_Academic_Suite_v1.1"
6. You will be confirmed as connected to the Candle database:

7. Finally, copy and paste this code snippet into the console window. You will need to use Ctrl + V to paste it into the prompt:
    INSERT INTO asp_net_user_roles (user_id, role_id)
        SELECT u.id, r.id
        FROM identity_users u
        LEFT JOIN identity_roles r ON r.name = 'Administrator'
8. Then hit Enter. You should see the message:
This means that all users now have admin access.