My student's averages aren't correct!

If you are entering grades in the gradebook and the student's averages in the left-hand column don't seem correct, this could be because of two reasons:

Rounding Method
By default, Candle uses even rounding. (aka, banker's rounding, or statistician's rounding) These means Candle will always round to the nearest even number when you have an odd grade. For example, 97.5 will round to 98 while 98.5 will also round to 98.

Mis-entered Grades
Do you have grades entered for the same subject and the same group of students in another student group? For example, if you have two student groups:
- Grade 6
- Grade 6 and 7
...and you enter English grades in both groups, Candle will use the grades from both groups to determine the average.